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Eduardo De Francesco 

Eduardo De Francesco 

Eduardo De Francesco 

Eduardo De Francesco 

Eduardo De Francesco 

Freelancer – Technical Consultant and Expert Witness

Eduardo De Francesco is an established professional, registered with the Order of Engineers of the Province of Naples (No. 6999), and has been serving as a Technical Consultant at the Naples Court since 1981. His extensive experience and expertise make him a reference point in the field of environmental assessment and remediation.

Significant Professional Experiences:

  • Served as a Technical Consultant and Responsible Technician for companies in waste management registered with the National Register of Environmental Managers.
  • Managed transboundary transports of hazardous waste to Poland.
  • Acted as a Technical Consultant for the “A. Cardarelli of Naples” University Hospital for the remediation of areas contaminated with hazardous waste.
  • Collaborated with various companies, including Pizzarotti Spa, ASM scarl, and Arco Mirelli Scarl, on significant projects such as the Naples Metro and the “Arco Mirelli” Station of Line 6.

Primary Professional Subjects/Skills: Organic, industrial, and applied chemistry, as well as corrosion of metals.

Competenze specializzate:

Environmental Crimes:
Investigation and assessment of environmental crimes, focusing on water, air, and soil pollution caused by contaminants or waste. Experience also includes addressing crimes related to waste management.
Environmental Remediation:
Specialized in the remediation of contaminated sites, contributing to the preservation and restoration of the environment.
Public Administration Investigations:
Investigations related to crimes within the Public Administration.
Fire and Counterfeiting Investigations:
Expert in investigations to determine the causes of fires and in the counterfeiting of national and international values.